Bookbinding Instructions #3

Hi all! First, thanks for your appreciation. It’s been very rewarding to recieve you likes and your comments. And as I promised, here is another way for bookbinding without using glue or scissors, nor even a rule. The japanese sewing was little more complex to explain, so this is a long strip. I’ve been trying to create a GIF animation to show the sewing steps, but I’m tired, so I’ll post it here when I have it. Hope you like! (I still have another way to bind, but I have to challenge myself and it will come later)


  1. Thanks for doing it for ME! Perhaps next time you could recommend the specific type of needle that you used for bookbinding. I know certain needles just won’t work and they may hurt you very badly.

    Keep it up!

    1. yep, it’s true! I done mine with a normal-sewing needle and it IS harmful. At the workshop they gave me like a needle but with a wooden handling, they say you can buy them at an artist’s shop. Also I saw a girl on Youtube doing it with old Pilots, which are sharpie but you can handle them comfortably. Thanks a lot for your words, dear Janet! 😀

      1. Thank you for the animation at the end. How did you do that animation!? That’s clever and very clear. I’ll make one book like this later. Very inspired by you. Well done!

  2. Reblogged this on Shadows on the Stage and commented:
    This is something I want to try to do not only because I have a notebook obsession, but it’s a good christmas gift idea. It’s nice because you can personalize it for whoever you’re making if for. It’s also something anyone could possibly use. Maybe if you give it to someone who doesn’t write much, you could give it a theme and say “write the small yet good/happy moments you have throughout your school/work week to remember them forever. That or my personal favorite, having a notebook to make creative lists in. Thoughts?

    1. Hola, me alegro de que os haya gustado. Gracias por avisar, aunque deberias haber pedido permiso antes de hacerlo, ya que se ha modificado muy sustancialmente el diseño! La tipo que has elegido siento decir que me horroriza, y hubiera preferido hacer yo misma la version en español, con mi letra y respetando la obra original. Me gustaría pedirte que lo cambiaras a la version original, o si te interesa puedo prepararte una version en español, tal y como lo tienes tu traducido – pero que mantenga mi estetica y el estilo de diseño, que es de lo que me gano la vida. Quedamos pues a la espera de un acuerdo para publicar algo con lo que las dos estemos conformes.
      Mi correo es

    1. Just fyi. In most countries theres two covers on books. I’m not sure what the comment about the signature is about. I am from Ireland, live in USA and spent half my childhood in mexico. That initial comment is so distracting. I am literally like “what? What the heck? Did someone just prank this artist and now they really think that ‘because if signatures’ other countries use books with only one cover?”

      1. Hi Charlie, thanks for your comment. I only said ‘two covers’ to differentiate from the ‘single cover’ binding I covered before, where you only need a card that you fold in half (so it’s just one longer piece, not two separate ones) to hold one ‘signature’ (which is only a few sheets of paper folded in half -in Spanish I think they’re called ‘librillos’ or ‘cuadernillos’) But you’re right, because traditional hard cover bookbinding requires of two covers plus a spine, to be wrapped and then bound. Anyway I’d recommend that if you’re after a source of truth, you might be better off looking at a more technical site where you’ll find the appropriate terminology. Hope it helps, and please accept my apologies for the confusing bits & those loose ends

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